Brand Kit & Guidelines

Brand Kit & Guidelines


Download brand assets such as our logo, wordmark, and lockup. Scroll down for more information regarding our branding guidelines. Any queries regarding the following assets and guidelines should be directed to Abigail Chang at




SUNHOUSE Summer Writing Mentorship ✺

This is our wordmark for light backgrounds.


SUNHOUSE Summer Writing Mentorship ✺

This is our wordmark for dark backgrounds.




SUNHOUSE Summer Writing Mentorship

This is our lockup for light backgrounds.


SUNHOUSE Summer Writing Mentorship

This is our lockup for dark backgrounds.

Brand Guidelines

Referring to us

When referring to the mentorship specifically as an organization, please refer to us as the 'SUNHOUSE Summer Writing Mentorship' whenever possible. Should spatial constraints arise, please refer to us as the 'SUNHOUSE Mentorship'. 'SUNHOUSE' should always be capitalized and should never be written in title case. 'SUNHOUSE Summer Writing Mentorship' , however, should always be written in title case, except for 'SUNHOUSE,' which should be in uppercase.

When referring to the parent organization, which includes both the magazine and the mentorship, please refer to us as 'SUNHOUSE', or 'the SUNHOUSE organization'. Again, 'SUNHOUSE' should always be capitalized and should never be written in title case.

Accent Colors

Our three main brand colors are Brick, Harbor and Chameleon. As slightly pastel and muted, earthy colors, they evoke a warm, comforting, youthful feeling reminiscent of the SUNHOUSE.

They may be used as background colors for large paragraphs of text (when paired with Coal) with the following opacities:

Brick: 80%

Harbor: 70%

Chameleon: 80%

All three colors may be used as background colors for short sections of text (less than 5 words and only when paired with Coal) with 100% opacity.







Neutral Colors

Cream is our main background color. Linen and Fawn should be used sparingly as background colors, generally only for particularly crucial information. Fawn may be used in conjunction with Brick, Harbor and Chameleon for cards or identifiers.

Coal is commonly used for typography. Obsidian is only used as an accent to Coal.












We use two fonts for the SUNHOUSE Mentorship across all forms of media: Overused Grotesk (Medium & Bold) and Libre Caslon Text (Italic). Overused Grotesk, our main sans serif, is used for body and header text, while Libre Caslon Text, our script font, is mainly used for header text.

Kerning for Overused Grotesk is universally set to -0.03 (except for bolded text, which is set to -0.05), whilst kerning for Libre Caslon Text is universally set to -0.02.

Text is almost always left-justified. Center-justified text should only be used for select CTAs. Similarly, right-justified text should only be used for select headings.